



  • By leveraging these properties/technologies …:工作利用这些特性/技术
  • We shed some light(s) into this matter by doing …


  • In a nutshell, …. brings both new opportunities as well as challenges, which deserve a new and dedicated study.
  • There is a consensus that
  • Sth will be an integral part of sth
  • In a nutshell , the existing works on … has the following drawbacks:
  • The rest of paper is organized as follows.
  • However, to our best knowledge, xxxx have not been studied in the literature yet, which motivates this letter. 就我们所知而言,xxx领域并未在文献中被研究,这就是本文的动机(这促使了本文)
  • However, this assumption does not hold in general for xxx . 然而,这个假设并不普遍适用于xxx
  • Numerical results show signifificant performance gains achieved by our proposed designs and reveal useful insights on the practical deployment of IRS for SWIPT applications.
  • In the view of 鉴于
  • In the absence of xxx 在没有xxx的情况下
  • on the contrary, 相反的
  • expand upon A to B 将A拓展到B
  • … which are summarized in Table x for ease of reference.
  • Sth is more costly to implement


  • with an emphasis on …
  • In addition to …, this paper aims to …
  • Without loss of generality
  • xxxx is a multiplication of three parts, namely, NAME1, NAME2, NAME3.
  • To this end …
  • Alternatively
  • Generally speaking
  • In contrast 相比之下
  • Motivated by the above 受以上启发
  • sth is reduced to sth 被简化为
  • xxx, hereinafter referred just as xxx xxx,以下简称xxx
  • xxx includes xxx as a heart. xxx本质上包括了xxx
  • Herein 本文中,本书中
  • in the sequel of this letter:在后文中
  • xxxx in the sequel


  • For brevity


  • but more (resp. less)
  • The intuition behind this theorem can be explained as follows. 这个定理背后的直觉可以解释如下。


  • the vicinity of sth = near sth
  • derive sth = obtain sth

本文作者: Joffrey-Luo Cheng
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 ,转载请注明出处!