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Paper utils

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    \caption{The performance ratio between the MISO and SISO system various with the number of RISS passive elements and Rician factor.}
    % \toprule
    \textbf{Cond.} &  $N\to \infty$&  $\kappa_{h,k}\to \infty$& $\kappa_{h,k}\to 0$ & $\kappa_G\to \infty$ & $\kappa_G\to 0$ \\
    \textbf{Ratio}& $M$ & $\frac{NMk_{G}+1}{Nk_{G}+1}\leq M$ & $\frac{Mk_{G}+1}{k_{G}+1}\leq M$ & $M$ &  $1$\\
    \end{tabular} \label{table:condratio}


Upper or Lower Equation



Response utils

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Number the figures in the order shown in the manuscript

    \caption{The outage probability of proposed scheme varies with $M$, $N$ and required energy threshold. The transmit power is set to 1 W, while $\kappa_h$ and $\kappa_G$ are both set to 10.}


Number the figures in the order shown in the Response

	\includegraphics [width=0.4\linewidth]{pic/angleRecip.eps}
	\caption{The incident angle (i.e., AOA) for the uplink is represented by $\theta_1$, while the reflection angle (i.e., AOD) is represented by $\theta_2$. Similarly, the incidence and reflection angles for the downlink are represented by $\theta_3$ and $\theta_1$, respectively}\label{fig:angleRecip}


Multiple figures

		\subfigure[The harvested energy under a non-linear energy harvesting model with parameters $M=0.02337, a= 132.8, b = 0.01181$.]{\includegraphics[width = 0.48\linewidth]{pic/EnergywithNonlinear.eps}}
		\subfigure[The harvested energy under a non-linear energy harvesting model with parameters $M=0.02337, a= 132.8, b = 0.01181$, and additional energy sensitive $T=-30$dBm.]{\includegraphics[width = 0.48\linewidth]{pic/EnergywithNonlinearSensitive.eps}}
		\subfigure[The performance of the proposed scheme and the full CSI scheme varies with the distance between the RISS and HAP. We consider $N=4$ and $M=100$, and explore different values of $\kappa_G$ and $\kappa_h$ (0, 1, 10, or $\infty$) to examine their impact on the performance of both schemes.]{\includegraphics[width = 0.45\linewidth]{pic/exp3.eps}}
	\caption{The harvested energy under different parameters.}


Some optional expressions


  • Many thanks for your valuable comments.
  • Many thanks for your positive comment.
  • Many thanks for your accurate summarization.

  • Many thanks for seeking more explanation.
  • Many thanks for your constructive comment.
  • Many thanks for your valuable comments.
  • Many thanks for observing this flaw.
  • Many thanks for your constructive advice.
  • Many thanks for your kind advice.
  • Many thanks for seeking more justifications.
  • Many thanks for raising this concern

  • Specifically, the following descriptions have been added in Section II-C to explain how the DT is implemented
  • The corresponding performance comparison is illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8 of the revised manuscript, which is copied here along with the descriptions for your convenience
  • The corresponding description has been added in Section IV-D of the revised manuscript, which is copied here for your convenience:

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